Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Getting back in the game

So begins my journey to run my way back in shape or die trying.

When I first created this blog, I had big hopes of running so many races a year and posting my progress on here as a form of journal. That all changed with a "sprained" ankle. I was sidelined for a year before learning that it wasn't sprained; it was fractured. A few months of physical therapy later and I was ready to hit the road again. Or so i thought. Sadly that didn't happen. I let life (well, ok, work) keep me from the very thing that was keeping me sane. Now, I'm back.

As I'm starting from scratch...again, I have decided to do C25K to get me started. From there, the plan is to run the Cooper River Bridge Run (10k) with 30,000 other people. My goal is always to "complete not compete". Good strategy at first, I think. From there, my next goal is to run a half marathon so I can mark it off of my bucket list. I picked out which one I want to do. February 2013, I'll be in Orlando running in the Disney Princess Half Marathon. I believe in writing down your goals because then it makes you more accountable. Plus, it's really fun to strike through things that are on your list as they are completed.

Now, a bit more about me. I'm a young lawyer and currently am the fattest I have ever been in my life at over 200 pounds. Several things can be blamed for that but they're all excuses. I hope that running will help me balance the stress in my life so that I can concentrate on simply enjoying life.

Words of encouragement as I embark on my journey are always welcome. Naysayers can kiss my fat butt.

Peace, Love, Run